Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Visit our Studio April 28th and 29th, 2012

Hello friends and art lovers,

This past two months have been so much fun and ultimately busy with friends and family from the colder or wetter climates who are desperate to escape their regional weather hell and see and feel spring at its very best.
At this moment we Victorians are blissfully smothered in cherry and plum blossoms and the parklands and gardens are amass with sunny yellow daffodils. I must remind you, bragging about our milder Canadian climate automatically comes with our Victoria citizenship card. Much to the irritation of many friends or family who live in other parts of Canada, many Victoria residents use their bragging rights card privileges more liberally than others. I use it frequently much like my car and artistic licence.

The sunshine has graced us enough that we are not so grouchy and are happy to walk the dog 6 or 7 times a day rather than usual 2. We don't actually have a dog at this point in time but enjoy watching the multitude of owners and their pooches hourly parade past our home and up to the park. I get the impression most of the dog walkers are curious to check out the progress of the 5 of the 7 new monster homes that are being built along side of our Moss Rock Park perimeter. Once all the homes are finished and sold we will have many new friends and neighbours.

I have a new painting in progress and would love to show my Blue Bridge painting to you during our 11th annual

Fairfield Artists Studio Tour
 Sat. April 28th & Sunday April 29th
 11 am to 4 pm

In Progress.. A View of the Blue Bridge
 (from Bay Street looking south)
This is a DETAIL of a small unfinished view of one of the many areas in my 16 x 26 inch painting.
 White areas are yet to be painted.

 Prints of my finished painting will be available through my galleries by November,  2012
Victoria's Johnson Street "Blue" Bridge that connects downtown with Vic West will be torn down.
The rail side of the bridge has already been removed. By European standards this bridge is not very old and over its short life has given our city's working harbour and inner harbour truly authentic character and important historic relevance. Many of Victoria's residents and visitors to our city will truly miss the iconic Blue Bridge.

To see Victor Bosson's new online art print store
visit http://www.galleryartlife.etsy.com/

Visit our studio during the Fairfield Artists Studio Tour
 Apr 28th and 29th, 2012
Vic and I welcome you and your friends to visit our studio and the 33 artist's studios on the tour during our FAIRFIELD ARTISTS STUDIO TOUR. The FAST as we call it, has been going for 11 years and is a huge cultural arts event for our neighbourhood and Victoria. FAST is a fun and free event which allows all 49 Fairfield artists to show you their art and their working environment. Some artists will demonstrate their craft or painting techniques.

Vic and I are #16 on the tour map.

Our Art tour maps are available at

Fairfield Plaza's Thrifty Foods, Harbord Insurance and Fairfield Eyecare, Lazy Susan's
Cook Street Village's Serious Coffee and The Royal Bank
Picture Perfect Gallery in the University Heights Shopping Plaza
Loves Olde Towne Gallery on lower Yates Street 

To download our art tour map and view the FAST artist's website visit  http://www.fairfieldartistsstudiotour.com/

Park and Walk
Five artists are at a public sight at the Garry Oak Room on Thurlow... so you can park for the day at the Garry Oak parking lot, visit these 5 artists first and then walk up to our studio to say hello and enjoy our 5 studio rooms jammed full of art and then on to the other studios in the area and the outer reaches of Fairfield.
Don't forget to visit some of the studios east of us... Terrace Ave and on Richmond Ave.
Bring your friends along! The FAST 2 day art tour is Victoria's ultimate arts event!

Venetian Fresco
acrylic painting on panel by Barbara Weaver-Bosson 2010
9 x 12 inches
 colours may display differently on different monitors

Giclee prints are now available $ 85.

Please inquire e-studio@shaw.ca


Springtime, Gonzales Bay

Springtime, Gonzales Bay
Acrylic painting by Barbara Weaver-Bosson 2008